Monday, August 30, 2010

Review Letter A, the Color Red and Squares

Yesterday and today we reviewed the letter A, the color red and squares. He is doing really well at recognizing everything that we have been practicing. He loves to color in his worksheets and help me follow the directions that are given. We are also working on having him correctly hold a pencil/crayer/marker. He has already gotten to the point that he just needs a simple reminder to adjust what he is doing. From what I have seen so far, he is more of a verbal learner. He can point things out to me and tell me what something is, but if I ask him "what is this" he often tells me he doesn't know or asks me. However, if I ask him to show me the square, he can pick it out from all the other shapes.

The other thing that he has been enjoying is his LeapFrog learner that Nana got him for his birthday. It is a small handheld machine that has a keyboard on it and has several different ways to learn letters. You can press on individual letter and it will repeat the letter, the sound(s) it makes and words that start with those sounds. It also has a game where letters float in bubbles and you need to pop the bubbles by pressing the corresponding letter on the keyboard. That is by far his favorite game and he will play it over and over.

We picked up all our books at the library and will start reading them tonight. He is already very excited about reading some new books.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Letter A and the Number 1

Can you tell that he is LOVING this! He kept asking me for more and more pages. I had planned on only doing a couple of worksheets each day along with a craft or book, but he just wanted to do more of these.

He can already recite the alphabet and count to 10, but is just starting to be able to recognize letter and numbers so I figured it would be a good idea to start at the beginning again and review what he already knows and add to it. I have a few different resources for ideas and will go with whatever works best for Logan. My plan is to review each letter and number for a week at a time, but if he needs a little bit of extra time, we can always slow down.

He will also be starting preschool at daycare next week with the letter A, so I think we will try to continue with what she is working on so that he has some consistency and doesn't get confused.

We will also be heading to the zoo this weekend and the library next week to supplement his preschool activities.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Day!

Well, I hadn't planned on starting anything for another week or so, but Logan saw me getting some worksheets together and really wanted to try them out so off we went. He learned the alphabet last year at his daycare's preschool so I decided we would start with that. As you can see, we did a worksheet about the letter 'A' today. I helped him write the letters at the top of the work sheet and then had him name all the pictures that started with 'A'. Then he went to town coloring the pictures. He actually ended up doing 3 different worksheets today. I will take pictures of the other ones tomorrow when we have some preschool time during Graysen's morning nap.